Wednesday, June 10, 2009

final blog

1. 3 positive outcomes for my presentation are…
-I had good scientific information about my topic
- my information related to my topic
- it was engaging

2. What I learned in technology?
I learned how to blog and, make a webpage.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Topic

My presentation topic is how cosmetics effect our Integumentary systems. And I will be making a web site to present it.

My presentation

For my presentation I will be making a web site on the Integumentary system
And how cosmetics effect it. Last class I used Google to search for a way to make a web site for my topic, I’ve been using to make my site.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cosmetic effects on our Integumentary systems

My topic I have decided to research is how cosmetics affect our integumentary system (your skin).Did you know the average women spends 450 days applying her make up in a life time, nearly 90 percent of British Columbia’s women use fragrances and over 80 percent wear lipstick Unfortunately, with the overwhelming amount of dangerous chemicals in these products and our Obsession over make up, may be causing damage to our integumentary systems and our health. some examples of effects make-up has on our integumentary systems include Rashes, infections, even a disease called streptococcus which eats away at your skin and deeper. There are worse things that cosmetics can cause especially when they absorb through your skin such as cancer, tumours, allergic reactions even birth effects.

Do you think it’s safe to have these products for the use of everyday beauty?

What do you think are some ways to make cosmetics safer to use?